Cat Health

Poisoning in Cats: Signs, Causes, Treatment, + Common Poisons

Poisoning in Cats: Signs, Causes, Treatment, + Common Poisons

Many people mistakenly think that because cats are picky eaters, they have less risk of poisoning than dogs. However, this is not entirely true. Being curious creatures by nature and not resisting the temptation to lick any substance that dirties their fur, cats are poisoned quite often. Poisoning in cats usually involves the ingestion, absorption,…

Do Cats Get Cold?

Do Cats Get Cold?

Although cats are creatures that can adapt very well to cold and environmental conditions due to their nature, they also need warmth like every living thing. Despite their thick fur, cats are not prone to living below certain temperatures. Although it is thought that the thick fur they have will protect them from the cold,…

5 Signs of Death in Cats

5 Signs of Death in Cats

Although losing your pet is a very difficult situation, it should not be forgotten that every living thing has a lifespan. Cats, which have a life cycle of 12 to 20 years on average, manifest themselves with certain behaviors in their old age, especially when they are close to death. So, how to tell if…

What is Chlamydia in Cats?

What is Chlamydia in Cats?

Many owners wonder: What exactly is feline chlamydia? Does Chlamydia in cats look like Chlamydia in humans? Sources specialized in veterinary medicine describe it as a bacterial respiratory disease, whose main symptom is redness and inflammation of the membrane that covers the eyelid. In cats, this condition is caused by infection with the bacterium Chlamydophila…

Why does my cat keep sneezing? What to do & How to Avoid It?

Why does my cat keep sneezing? What to do & How to Avoid It?

As in people, sneezing in cats is an essential bodily function in expelling possible irritants that enter their nose. A cat sneezes from time to time should not be a cause for concern; however, if cat sneezing a lot or constant sneezing may indicate an underlying problem, especially if other abnormal symptoms appear (mucus, blood, cough). Why…